Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas treats

 These are super easy. Brownie bites on the bottom, with strawberry, and real whip cream or frosting. Took me about 10 minutes to do (but I already had the whip cream made. Just added some extra powdered sugar and beat it to stiffen a little bit)

 Gave this to the neighborhood kids this year. Sugar cookie and royal icing with sprinkles. I used 4 different size star cookie cutters. The bottom is a very large flower cookie cutter.
Same cheese dip I made at Thanksgiving and Halloween (but in the shape of a pumpkin). This time turned it into a Christmas tree with a yellow bell pepper star at top.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Melanie's Grand prize Chili recipe!!!

Today we won the grand prize at a "Chili Challenge" at a church we've been visiting. There were 26 crock pots entered. I was going to include a picture of the HUGE trophy we won but the picture came out a little too blurry!